Where to Work after Graduation
by Tina Orem
As is the case on nearly every campus in America, graduates
tend to scatter once they have their diplomas. But Montana's magnetism keeps
many students in the Treasure State after graduation: a 2003 study by the state's
Bureau of Business and Economic Research found that 45% of Montanans under 30 had no
plans to leave Montana anytime soon (and more than 80% of people over 30 said
they don't ever want to leave Montana).

It's not a surprise that so many grads stick around. After
all, the Gallatin Valley can be a great place to begin a career. Montana State
University and local government offices are two of the area's largest employers,
but opportunities abound in the private sector too. Few people realize, for
example, that Bozeman Deaconess Hospital employs almost a thousand people, or that
Big Sky Resort does too. Other large area employers include Williams Plumbingand Heating (about 200 employees), the Yellowstone Club (over 500 people during
summer), and Martel Construction (150 people or so). First Security Bank and Gibson Guitar both employ well over a hundred people each, and those looking to join a
tech-oriented company have Oracle, ILX Lightwave, Printing forLess, Schedulicity, and Zoot Enterprises to think about, as well as the startups hatching all around Bozeman and the dozens of other small companies in the area. People
interested in the outdoor gear world have Simms Fishing, Sitka Gear, Hyalite Outdoor Group, Mystery Ranch Backpacks, and
a smattering of other companies. Like dogs and cats? Check out Westpaw Design, a pet-product manufacturer that employs dozens of outdoor-oriented Bozemanites.
There's also no reason to assume you won't make a decent
living or climb the ladder here. The area's multitude of small companies often
provide a chance to get involved at the ground floor and assume more
responsibilities faster. And even though the MSU study found that alumni who
had bachelor's or master's degrees from MSU and were living out of state indeed
made about $6,000 or $7,000 more than their in-state counterparts, the higher
cost of living in many other states quickly cancels out the spread. And notably,
doctorate recipients didn't fare better out of state, even though that's where
most of them went. They reported making $8,000 a year less than their Montana
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