Ah the joys of fall football season—the sound of the band,
swishing pom poms, and even the smell of game-day barbecues. There is, however, one
aspect to football season that I’ve never been accustomed to—the homecoming pep
Because I’d never been to a pep rally, I took my friend
Whitney, who is undoubtedly the biggest Bobcat football fan ever to have graced
the Gallatin Valley. Seriously, this girl has been to every home game in the
past three years, and she even wore a Bobcats sticker tattoo on her face for
two days straight. Now that’s commitment.

It was there that I saw something I’ll unfortunately never forget. All the 2012 Homecoming court candidates made their way to the stage, and "Single Ladies" by BeyoncĂ© started playing over the speakers. The four guys were dancing to "Single Ladies"… this is a sight I could have lived without.
Through all the excitement and loud cheers, I did notice
something I wasn’t expecting. The crowd at the pep rally wasn’t just
students—community members and their children were there as well. Both old and
new generations of Bobcats were all together supporting our university. It was
then I realized how proud I really am to be a Bobcat and I wasn’t afraid to shout
out cheers for the Cats. Turns out these homecoming pep-rally things really do
work after all!
This is a wonderful story. The writer really made me feel excited about the pep rally. I think it is awesome to hear how the community, young and old, supported the Bobcats.